During the last ten years I've made several tours to Russian National parks. One of them is Yugud-Va, in Komi, which is also one of the natural monuments in UNESCO World Heritage list. Park administrations need help to get status to these great nature protection areas of Europe. This way, these areas can be protected better. If you go to any of these places, please, respect local people, nature, leave absolutely no signs of your visit and return refreshed and alive to your home.For navigation there is a clickmap.
Areas with recognised status (year of visit, year of update):
Vodlozero National Park, hypertext tours visit Apr, Aug 1994. update 1995.
Yugud-Va National Park in Ural mountains. visit Jun 1996, update 1996.
Kostamus reservation, Karelia. visit 1993, update Jul 1997.
Paanajarvi National Park, Karelia. update 1st Jul1997.
Laplandski reservation July 1997. update 7th Jan1997.
Kutsa Murmansk oblast, visit Oct 1996.
NW Russian Parks and Reservations Overview map.
Other areas: