The National Park
General Introduction
The Urals were found by the people of Novgorod in the XI century during
the trips to Pechora and Urga. You can find the description of these mysterious
mountains in the old Arabian notes and Scandinavian sagas.
The Ural region is not only famous for it's mountains but for the rivers
and brooks which take their beginning here. There are hundreds of beautiful
lakes. In the mountainous region there are 821 lakes, splendid glaciers
and waterfalls.
According to the decision of the Government of Russian Federation, number
377 on April 23rd 1994, on the western slope of the Urals and the northern
Urals, the National park "Yugud-Va" was formed.
The natural park Yugud-Va is one of the largest on the Earth. It is nearly
1,2 million hectares. It is on the seventh place among ten largest parks
in the world. In 1995 it's territory was included into the list of the World
Natural Legacy of UNESCO. It is the first Russian national park wich was
included in this list.
The vegetation is rich and various. In the mountains you can see coniferous
and mixed forests, luxuriant subalpian and alpian grasslands with alpine
and arctic tundra.
In autumn you can pick bilberries, cloudberries, red billberries, cranberries.
Nearly all the animals and birds like to regale them. In the park bears,
deer, polar foxes, squirrels, wood-grouses, live there. The main fish in
the mountain rivers is grayling. In spring to the mounth of Barents Sea
salmon swim for the spawning.
If you want to forget your daily life there is no better place to rest than
in our park.
Our visit address:
Komi Republic,
Sotzialisticheskaya street 55,
Petchorskiy branch of N.P. Yugud-Va.
169700 Komi Republic,
Pechora 98,
Pechorskiy branch of N.P. Yugud-Va
Tel: (821-42) 52507, 50836, 51605, 24449