The National Park

Children camps in Ural
The committee of saving the Pechora-river, Valentina Semjashkina and Mr.
Shcreiber founded a club in 1988 which arranged children camps in Ural.
The aim of this work was to provide a change for these children. Children
were chosen from "trouble families", where parents were, for instance,
alcoholics. They wanted these children away from streets, from drugs and
violence, to the nature. There they collected rubbish, garbage left by some
geologists and had some ecological education. A club "Körpi"
was formed. (Pechora-river Committee had a great influce in forming the
Yugud-Va park as well.)
Year 1995 they got some money from Canadan embassy. But that year they had
to choose childs from the Usinsk area, where a huge oil spill had taken
place. They had 60 children in camps in 1995. In 1996 they will at last
get some financial support from the town of Pechora, but they are still
in constant lack of support.
The club "Körpi" wants to have cooperation with similar clubs
elsewhere. If you want to support them, contact Viktor, who is the president
of the club. If you go to Pechora you can give them anything that is needed
in forest camps: tents, backpacks, compasses, mosquito-nets, etc. etc. Year
1996 they try to get some money by collecting berries.
The pictures above are not very good examples of their activities, but they
were only available.